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Sunday, October 30, 2011
I'm Still here!
So I had a lot happen, I've been super busy, so bear with me. I have a lot of new things in the works, and a lot of new art posted to DA.
Check out my videos on YouTube, please!
I've got 7 artcards to finish up for a commissioner, so I will be posting those soon!
Friday, September 16, 2011
7 art card commission
I recently was contacted by an unpublished author (who has high hopes to be published) to draw her characters for her book. Here's they are at about 50% done. I love painting hair in watercolour, its so much fun.
If your interested in commissions please see the link at the top of this page.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Vocaloids and Life
Some drawings of Vocaloids I've been working on. Sorry for being such a bad Blogger, I've had a lot going on. I recently moved so things should be a lot better for me now. :-)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Finished Commission and Dragons!
This is also something I've been working on. It's about half done here. It was supposed to be a project for a wedding for a family member, but that fell through. I don't want to get into it to much here, but it's better this way. Anyway, I decided to work on it for myself then. And I am happy with the outcome. I'll be sure to post the finished version in a few days.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
My Zazzle Store
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Are you Addicted to Stamps?
This is just one of many images you can get for your stamping needs! Buy them here!
Keep an eye out for some very special Halloween reeases coming soon! They are called Costumed cuties are art sure to spookify all your Haloween themed products!
Between the scanner woes and there being absolutely NO INTERNET at all yesterday, I've not got much done. But today I sent off new images to be made into stamps, and some cake arts. I'll be sure to post when they are up.
My recovery is going well. I am still having pains but the pills are keeping that at bey. I am also still having a hard time going up and down the stairs, but that will take more time. Today Jon's siters and children came over and I decided to be socialable for lunch. I also got a big box from my friend and fantasy artist Meredith Dillman. She sent over som book she's not using, some paint, and various goodies including my very first Mini Pullip. She's Litte Lan Ake I think. I plan to get her an 11cm obitsu body soonish. She sent over some prints of Miku and Luka she painted as well as a couple cute keychains. It was so awesome! She helped me a lot this year, with advice and networking. It's so cool to have a famous artist like her believe in me so much.
So today I feel like I got a litte caught up on things. I need to download my ustream videos and edit them for YouTube. Until then check out my other new video.
I also posted this painting that I made about 1 month ago. It's big, and I've failed at scanning it and piecing it together, so I will just have a pro do it for me. For now, its a photo.
Angels by *SeraphimFeathers on deviantART
Ok, that's all for now! There will be some stamps with my art released later today, so I will come back and post about those too.
Monday, August 1, 2011
After My Surgery
They brought me to the recovery room and I found out my mom was coming to see me. She told her supervisor that I had the surgery and they told her to leave. She showed up about 30 minutes I guess after I got to the recovery room and I got to go home about 30 minutes after that. I was home before noon even.
After that we went home and sat around a bit then to the Mongolian Grill. I ate a lot too soon after my surgery, so I ended up not keeping it down. Then I went to my mom's house. I stayed there through the weekend, so that is why I've taken so long to update. The day after my surgery was the worst as far as everything goes. I was swollen, dizzy, in the worst pain of my life and I was unable to keep food down. Friday was much better. And today I am feeling pretty good. Other than still having pains and being pretty tired.
Here's somethings I am working on! I finished the rabbit today, and I have to scan the chibi line art to be made into stamps. It's a little early for Halloween art, I know, but they will be made into stamps that you can buy to make Halloween cards and things.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Review! Hatsune Miku and Snow Miku Pullips, bonus Review ToyMalaysia

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
So for today this is a short entry. I have a drawing video to share though. It's from my livestream last week, just sped up a lot.
Enjoy! I'll be writing some more entries here that will be scheduled posts.
Monday, July 25, 2011
My Products: Cake Sheets
Gluten free and vegan friendly!
I love these. They are so cool! They are made of potato starch, so 100% edible. I've sent in several designs, so I am hoping they will be up soon. I'll make sure to post when you can buy them!
Buy them here!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Incubus, and a fun day
Well, today was a bridal shower that admittedly I wasn't at first crazy about going too. I didn't know the bride well, and had a bad fiesta impression of her. I was also informed 60 people would be there, and that was less than thrilling. Well, I grit my teeth and got ready, I used my new Tokidoki eye shadow and Sephora mineral make up and felt pretty fab about myself. I had high pain in the morning, so I took some pain killers and went with it. Well, 60 people dis not in fact show up, and I got to know the bride and her bff a little better. In all I had a really good time, and won a lot of prizes in the dice game.
After the shower I hung out with my friend and played Wii games and watched anime for a couple hours. It was a lot of fun.
So here's what I am working on currently. I don't draw enough males so I wanted to. Hope you enjoy!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Hello and Welcome!
Please subscribe to my posts, as I will do my best to update everyday with how I am doing and what I am working on.
If you are a fan of my work please consider donating to my book project. There are many nice perks for donors, and it will help me get on the way to bringing my art and technique to you.